Young nuclear mutant

Young nuclear mutant, Baumstammähnlicher Mutant in grauschwarzen Farben

Nina Ripbauer presents here living beings, which have changed by nuclear radiation or descended from already changed beings. It is an imaginary generation with a colorful appearance which is alien to us. They share many things, others do not. None of them has eyes. At all, we know very little about the sense organs of this new form of life. Clearly, we see that they are alive. Do they feel free to contact us? Are they capable of doing this at all? The young mutants call us and remind us that what is, must not pass away, if we decide that it should exist. They warn us to continue in the usual way. Their memory is that of an alarm clock that rings before it is too late to get up.

Danke, Mag. Claudia Antonius für den Text.

80cm x 80cm